Does Zevo Kill Bed Bugs? [Explained]

Does Zevo Kill Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs, those pesky little insects that leave us itchy and uncomfortable, are a nightmare for anyone. They can live in the smallest of spaces and are notoriously hard to get rid of. If you’ve ever had to deal with bed bugs, you know just how frustrating it can be. So, when a new product like Zevo claims to kill bed bugs, it’s understandable to be skeptical. Does Zevo Kill Bed Bugs? In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at Zevo and its effectiveness in eradicating bed bugs.

In short, yes, Zevo can kill bed bugs. Zevo is a brand of insecticide that uses essential oils and other natural ingredients to kill insects, including bed bugs. The active ingredients in Zevo target the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. While Zevo is effective at killing bed bugs, it’s important to note that it may not be enough on its own.

If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation, it’s crucial to take action quickly. Waiting too long can result in the infestation spreading and becoming even more difficult to eradicate. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how Zevo works, its effectiveness in killing bed bugs, and what else you can do to get rid of these annoying insects. So, if you’re ready to learn more about Zevo and bed bugs, let’s dive in!

What is Zevo?

Zevo is a natural insecticide that claims to be effective against a wide range of insects, including bed bugs. It is marketed as a safer alternative to traditional insecticides, as it is made using plant-based ingredients and does not contain any harsh chemicals or toxins. Zevo products come in two main forms – sprays and traps.

Does Zevo Kill Bed Bugs?

Yes, Zevo does claim to be effective against bed bugs. The product is marketed as a bed bug killer, and the company website includes testimonials from satisfied customers who claim to have used Zevo to get rid of bed bugs in their homes.

The Effectiveness of Zevo Against Bed Bugs :

While the company claims that Zevo is effective against bed bugs, it is important to note that there are no independent studies that prove the product’s effectiveness. However, many customers have reported positive results after using Zevo, suggesting that the product may indeed be effective against bed bugs.

The Science Behind Zevo:

According to the Zevo website, the product uses a unique formula that targets insects’ nervous systems, causing them to die within seconds. Zevo’s active ingredients include essential oils such as lemongrass oil, geraniol, and cinnamon oil, which are known to have insecticidal properties.

How Zevo Kills Bed Bugs?

When sprayed directly on bed bugs, Zevo’s active ingredients quickly penetrate the insect’s exoskeleton and disrupt its nervous system. This causes paralysis and eventual death. Zevo traps work by attracting bed bugs with a special lure, which is made using a blend of essential oils. Once the bed bugs enter the trap, they get stuck to the adhesive surface and are unable to escape, eventually leading to their death.

Is Zevo Safe to Use?

Zevo claims to be a safer alternative to traditional insecticides, as it is made using natural ingredients and does not contain any harsh chemicals or toxins. However, it is important to note that Zevo can still be harmful if ingested or if it comes into contact with skin or eyes. It is recommended that users take precautions while using the product, such as wearing gloves and washing hands after use.

Zevo’s Safety Claims:

According to Zevo, the product is safe to use around pets and children when used as directed. The company claims that Zevo is non-toxic, does not contain any harmful chemicals or fumes, and is safe for use on furniture, fabrics, and other household surfaces.

Precautions for Using Zevo:

While Zevo may be a safer alternative to traditional insecticides, it is still important to take precautions while using the product. Users should avoid ingesting the product or allowing it to come into contact with skin or eyes. It is also recommended that users wear gloves and wash their hands after use.

How to Use Zevo Spray to Kill Bed Bugs?

To use Zevo spray, shake the can well and then spray the product directly on the bed bugs or on the areas where they are found. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label, and avoid spraying on surfaces that may be damaged by the product.

How to Use Zevo Traps to Kill Bed Bugs?

To use Zevo traps, simply place the traps in areas where bed bugs are likely to be present, such as near the bed or furniture. The traps come with a special lure that attracts bed bugs, which then get stuck to the adhesive surface.

Zevo vs Other Bed Bug Insecticides:

Zevo is marketed as a safer and more natural alternative to traditional insecticides, which often contain harsh chemicals and toxins. While there are no independent studies that compare Zevo to other bed bug insecticides, the product’s natural ingredients and non-toxic formula made it a more attractive option for those who are concerned about the use of chemicals in their homes. There is an alternative to Zevo exist which called Lysol you can use where Zevo is not available

Zevo vs Chemical Insecticides:

Chemical insecticides are often effective against bed bugs, but they can also be harmful to humans and pets. Many chemical insecticides contain toxins that can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health issues. Zevo, on the other hand, is made using natural ingredients and is marketed as a safer alternative to traditional insecticides.

Zevo vs Other Natural Bed Bug Remedies:

There are many natural remedies that are said to be effective against bed bugs, including essential oils such as lavender oil and diatomaceous earth, and heat treatments. While these remedies may be effective, they can also be time-consuming and may not be as effective as chemical insecticides or Zevo.

Check Out: Does Baby Powder Kill Bed Bugs?


Can Zevo Be Used On Mattresses And Bedding?

Zevo can be used on mattresses and bedding, but it is important to follow the instructions on the product label and allow the product to dry before using the treated surface.

How Long Does It Take For Zevo To Kill Bed Bugs?

The time it takes for Zevo to kill bed bugs depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the infestation and the size of the bed bugs. In general, Zevo is designed to work quickly and can kill bed bugs within minutes of contact.

Does Zevo Have A Strong Odor?

Zevo does have a strong odor due to the essential oils that are used in the product. However, the odor is not overpowering and typically dissipates within a few hours.


Bed bugs can be a difficult pest to get rid of, but Zevo may offer a safer and more natural alternative to traditional insecticides. While there are no independent studies that compare Zevo to other bed bug insecticides, the product’s natural ingredients and non-toxic formula may make it a more attractive option for those who are concerned about the use of chemicals in their homes. If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation, consider giving Zevo a try to see if it works for you.

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